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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Euro 2012 in Ukraine – Rent apartments Kiev


Less than a week is left till December, and this means that it is only half a year till UEFA European Football Championship 2012 or as it is usually called “Euro 2012“. But everyone is already in the expectation of this event.

Euro 2012 does not only refer to stadiums, but also to roads, airports, public transport, and hotels.

High requirements are set to all these indispensable constituents. At the moment the problem with the stadiums is solved. According to Markiyan Lubkivsky, Director of UEFA EURO 2012 in Ukraine, four Ukrainian stadiums in Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk and Lvov are already ready for the championship. As for hotels, that is accommodation of football fans and tourists, the problems are not expected.

It is worthwhile to say that Mr. Michel Platini sets very high standards to the number and quality of the hotel room capacity in all cities, taking part in UEFA European Football Championship 2012. Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov, and Odessa all feel the lack of hotels. At the same time, the increase of hotel room capacity by means of constructing of new hotels is not always possible because of the lack of investors. Despite all promises of the authorities to secure all necessary conditions for the potential foreign investors, the volunteers did not line up.

It is because there are too many issues to be solved before the construction starts. Only in Kiev the state planned to build 7 five-star, 10 four-star, and 17 two- and three-star hotels. But it appears that this will remain a plan, so rent apartments in Kiev Euro 2012 will be popular. The authorities have allocated about 125 billion of hryvnias to the preparation for Euro 2012. The state planned to get the most part by means of attraction of foreign investors. But it appeared to have a lot of underlying potential problems. For example, in order to build a hotel, it is necessary to visit various authorities and collect about 250 signatures. And it is only the beginning. Such issues as planning and constructional design take about 300 days, as well as land issues (land acquisition) take not less than 200 days. Besides, at least a year is required for the construction work of the hotel itself. This very approach has frightened foreign investors.

When it became clear that the problem of the hotel market development is impossible to be solved individually, the state chose another method, such as to attract agencies and apartment owners to the accommodation of foreign visitors of Kiev. In this connection Rent apartments in Kiev Euro 2012 were united under the project “Hospitable Accommodation 2012″. This project foresees the accommodation of fans at Euro 2012, with the provision of a wide range of services, including transportation and hotel service.

Kiev is widely regarded as not only cultural and political, but also business capital of Ukraine. As a result of high business activity hundreds of people visit it every day. Besides, a lot of guests visit Kiev as tourists in order to get acquainted with famous places of interest and monuments of architecture of the historic center, and just to change the surroundings and relax. And during “Euro 2012″, which takes place from June 8 to July 1, a big inflow of tourists is expected in Ukraine. The maximum tourist traffic is expected in the cities, where football match games will be held, especially in Kiev. Taking into account that the majority of the capital hotels have four and five stars, the accommodation of fans at Euro 2012 there is twice or even three times more expensive than in the apartments for Rent for the EURO 2012. During Euro 2012 they will have even higher rate, not nearly everyone will be able to have such accommodation. Thus, rent apartments in Kiev Euro 2012 will be in great demand. Besides, the number of stars in the hotels says not much about high quality service. There are, of course, economy class hotels, but their service level will hardly ever satisfy the requirements of foreign visitors. Such cost effective variants are most likely to become not so cheap, thus, they will not be able to gain much popularity among foreign visitors of Ukraine.

Rent apartments during Euro 2012 will be a fine alternative to hotels in the capital. Companies, who are professionally engaged in the apartment renting at the capital real estate market, are able to provide apartments and service, which is highly competitive with hotels, and even better. And the rent rate of such rent apartments during Euro 2012, for example in “Luxury Apartments”, the company with 10-year experience, will be much lower than the rate for hotel rooms in 4-5-star hotels.

Apart from a readily available price, rent apartments in Kiev Euro 2012 will be able to provide a wider range of services, such as on-line reservation, transfer, apartment cleaning, laundry, change of bed-linen, delivery of food, and organization of excursions. And the most important thing is that every client is guaranteed individual attention. And this is what is impossible to get at any hotel.

Thus, rent apartments during Euro 2012 have an undeniable advantage over hotels, which will make your stay in the Ukrainian capital comfortable. You will get maximum conveniences and more independence with the same level of safety, but for fewer expenses. If you are interested in the Rent Apartment Ukraine Euro 2012 Kiev, just turn to our company. We offer over 100 of our own apartments for daily rent, which are located in the center of Kiev, very close to the main places of interest, such as Khreschatyk, Maidan Nezalezhnosti, Sofia Square, and others. The best restaurants, cafes, clubs, shopping and leisure centers, business centers are all situated at your fingertips. You will get one-, two-, three, four room rent apartments during Euro 2012 in Kiev of luxury or VIP class at your disposal. All our Euro 2012 accommodation apartments for rent have contemporary and stylish interior design, a lot of them have authors design, furnished with stylish new furniture, and equipped with all necessary multimedia and household appliances. The Euro 2012 accommodation apartments for rent have cable and digital television, Internet, and telephone.

We are sure that we will be able to propose you apartments for Rent for the EURO 2012, which meet all your expectations and desires.
If you want to have comfortable conditions in the apartment you like while staying in Kiev, we recommend you to reserve Rent Apartment Ukraine Euro 2012 Kiev beforehand.

In order to reserve rent apartments in Kiev Euro 2012 in “Luxury Apartments”, you need to get in touch with us using any convenient method for you: on-line-reservation, with the help of a phone call, or via e-mail.


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